Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Finals Week!

Yay for finals week.  Today I take my second of three finals (all the other ones were earlier in the semester).  I am getting to the point where I don't feel like grades matter even though they do.

Also because I have been studying all day and haven't left the center in a few days I have been living off of hot chocolate and off brand Snickers.  It is pretty healthy...right?

All in all...I can't wait for the tests to be over and real food!


Adam G. Ricks said...

I like how you have a ! after Finals Week. Glad you are excited. Good luck. Wish me luck too! I have my first one tomorrow.

Platte and Heather said...

And you are glad that you got to talk to me today. Cause that always puts brightness in your day. :) Oh wait, that's my day. You got to talk to all the girls, so that makes me not as special. Ha ha. Oh, I just can't believe that next time I talk to you will be in person!!!!! I'm too excited to sleep!