Monday, September 26, 2011

Neot Kedumim

Today we went to Neot Kedumim which is The Biblical Landscape Reserve in Israel.  It was a lot cooler than I was expecting from the name.  I thought I was going to be going around and looking at boring plants—not so!  It is actually a very interactive tour which was fabulous.

We started out by talking about shepherds.  I learned something very interesting about Abel and Cain and the relationship between them.  Cain, a farmer, works in the same place everyday tilling the ground.  Abel, as a shepherd, moves around going from one place to the next.  What do sheep eat?  They eat the work of the farmer.  Thus, even before the offerings take place there would have been tension between Abel and Cain.  It is something to think about.

At the stop we all had the chance to try our hand at being a shepherd.  We were split into two groups and had to take the sheep and goats across a field.  When sheep get scared their natural instinct is to put their heads in a circle with their bums on the outside.  They did this a few time but I must say that I was pretty successful—I didn’t have to touch the sheep or goats!
The other group herding sheep!

Perhaps the most interesting part of the tour was when we learned about hyssop.  Hyssop is basically a weed that can grow anywhere.  In Leviticus 14:2-4 it is tied into a sentence with cedar wood.  Cedar wood is not natural to the area of Jerusalem and must be brought in which is very expensive.  Thus when the two are paired together it is as if the writer is saying “Being like cedar wood is very proud, but to be like hyssop is to humble yourself.”  Where else does hyssop show up in the scriptures?  Exodus 12:22 says 
“And ye shall take a bunch of hyssop, and dip it in the blood that is in the bason, and strike the lintel and the two side posts with the blood that is in the bason; and none of you shall go out at the door of his house until the morning.”

This is part of the Passover.  They take hyssop and dip it in blood to paint the posts.  Isn’t this fascinating?
Now for the best example of hyssop in the scriptures we will turn to John 19:29

“Now there was set a vessel full of vinegar: and they filled a spunge with vinegar, and put it upon hyssop, and put it to his mouth.”

Usually when I see this verse I think, oh how terrible making him drink VINEGAR!  Which still is pretty disgusting.  However, perhaps this act is a little different.  I don’t know who is giving him this drink and whether it was done mockingly or lovingly.  But, I do know that in the next verse Jesus says “’it is finished:’ and he bowed his head, and gave up the ghost.”  Right before that he was offered something upon a hyssop—the humblest of all the plants.  Is it a coincidence?  I don’t think so.  Christ was so humble and offered to give his life for each of us.

Ground hyssop is actually used as a spice and each of us were able to grind our own and take it with us.  Pretty awesome!
Elyse and I grinding our hyssop.
My bowl of hyssop.

A final cool part that I learned was about the sycamore tree.  Luke 19:4 says 
“And [Zacchaeus] ran before, and climbed up into a sycamore tree to see him: for he was to pass that way.”   
The sycamore tree is one of the only tree’s that if you cut it down it can grow again.  It means redemption.  Zacchaeus may have chosen this tree to show that he wants redemption.

The scriptures came more alive because of this trip and I am super glad I had the opportunity to go!
Lauren, Lindsay, and I in front of a Sukkah.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Trip to Turkey: Day 7 Last day!

We started out going to the Grand Mosque where all the girls had to cover our hair.  It was beautiful!

Then we went to the silk market. Only one store was open. He made bank for opening on time! Good job to him. Then we went to Iznik which is the site of Nicaea. Nicaea is where the council took place in Christian history that decided on the nature of the relationship between Jesus Christ and God. Were they the same? Were they similar but different? They decided they are the same. Many people think that Mormons aren't Christian because we don't follow this creed.
Then we were in a rush to get to Hagia Sophia! It is absolutely beautiful and these pictures will not do it justice. It has been a cathedral, a Mosque, and not a museum. It was amazing! Then we went shopping for a bit, got dinner, and headed back to Jerusalem! It felt wonderful to get back. The flight felt like the shortest flight I have ever been on. I don't remember take off or landing. They woke me up to eat but other than that I slept the whole time! Seriously, the JC feels like home right now--it is where I should be. It feels good to get back to somewhere where I know I will spend every night. 

It was an AMAZING trip!

Friday, September 23, 2011

Trip to Turkey: Day 6 Always on the bus!

Today we started out going to Hierapolis dash Pamukale. I was told not to take my camera because we were in water so I will take pictures from other people later. It was awesome to walk in the hot springs. Seriously it was a beautiful place and the only place in the world of its kind. There was also a necropolis there which was the biggest ancient cemetery in Asia. Crazy! It just looked like ancient ruins. Up next, a very very very long bus ride! Nap time :) Parts of the bus trip.

1) We found a grocery store! I haven't seen one of those for weeks. I had forgotten how much gas stations rip you off.

2) Lunch--It was the best meal we have had in days. Better than that it was edible. An added bonus: no mystery meat! (Side note: This week our meals usually consist of rice, stewed eggplant, mystery sausage looking meat, lentil soup, and bread. Dessert is usually watermelon but occasionally cake drenched in something sweet that tastes like pure sugar. Oh how I miss usual food! Breakfast is different as well. There is bread and jam with cheeses and lots of different types of olives. Also cereal with milk, is the milk cold? Not always.)

3) We went to Thyatira. Rev 1:11

4) Apparently this week there was a bomb in Turkey? Ya, they don't tell us much.

5) Our bus driver is crazy! Today he was passing a bus and a motorcycle was coming right at us. The motorcycle had to use the shoulder to keep from getting hit. The craziest part: that isn't unusual! People here just aren't all that cautious when driving. Luckily I haven't gotten car sick!

6) If you can deal with squaters you can avoid many a bathroom lines. Thank you Philmont for teaching me sweet skills.

7) Bro. Harper is for sure going to be an apostle. He is so amazing! I am lucky to be in his class!

8) I have gotten some unusual nicknames since leaving Utah. One of which is Wendy. Many girls call me that. Story: One day when I was in the old city one of the shop keepers who had asked my name said "My good friend Wendy!" So now I am Wendy. But, you must say it in an Arabic accent! Another reason I am Wendy is because there are two Whitney's here. As we both have brown hair and are medium height the way people distinguished is the white Whitney and the Asian Whitney. Thus, to avoid sounding racist I can be called Wendy. I used to hate the name Wendy because in movies it is always the name of the other woman. Now I feel like it is a term of endearment. Crazy how things change! Also, another nick name from one of the guys here is Chuckles. Apparently I am always smiling or laughing. How kind!

During the bus drive our teacher answered gospel questions. One interesting thing I learned was that there could be other saviors under God. I know that I am under the portion that is under Jesus Christs stewardship. I know that He is my savior. However, we don't know how many of Heavenly Fathers children were put under Christs stewardship. Mind blowing isn't it. Thoughts would be appreciated!

This hotel was fabulous! Absolutely delightful. They even had conditioner! WOW! At night time I played a game of polo-ish in the swimming pool. The girls were the riders and the boys were the horses. We used a watermelon as the ball It was crazy and super fun!

When we got to the hotel we had sacrament meeting in one or the meeting rooms and it was great. We were all in our regular clothes. After talking on the bus about our relationship with our Heavenly Parents I could already feel the spirit so strong. Our opening hymn was "I am a child of God." It made me very homesick. Not only was I ready to go back to the place where Jesus once walked but I also was ready to be with Jesus where he now walks. I miss my Heavenly home as well as my earthly home. I miss the unconditional love. Luckily I know that I can talk to all of my parents easily. How great this gospel is!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Trip to Turkey: Day 5

Lets start out by playing two truths and a lie.
1. I did a choreographed tap number on the stage in Ephesus.
2. I saw the Bachelor Pad couple waling around.
3. I participated in a reenactment of Acts 19 and had a six word line.

Stay tuned to figure it out!

Ephesus was absolutely amazing!  We walked through so many tuins and they haven't uncovered all of it.

With Carter, Sarah, and Catherine in Ephesus.
Rockin Robin!
Throughout this trip a few girls and I have seen places that we think would be Bachelor date worthy places.  Several places just seem very romantic in that sense.  So we were walking through Ephesus and we saw a beautiful couple. They looked like this...
Yes, Tenley and Kiptyn! I couldn't believe that we saw them! They are beautiful!
We talked to them for a bit and they were so nice. They told us they wished they could meet all of us and were very kind. I was giddy for a bit after this. Well back to Ephesus. We went to the stage which is huge! 
With Danielle in the theater.
Clearly it was time for a photo shoot. 
It was a lot of fun. One of the highlights of the trip was being on the stage in Ephesus. Not only did I do my tap dance from Thoroughly Modern Milly (Leslie and I both knew it) but we also re-enacted Acts 19. I was part of the angry mob. My line was "Great is Diana of the Ephesians!" Too bad I messed it up. It was a really cool experience to act out the scriptures in the place where they occurred. It truly was amazing!

Standing in the same spot where the picture of Ephesus in the scriptures was taken.
Later we headed to the Temple of Artemis. Apparently it is one of the 7 great wonders of the ancient world. This is what is left. 
I was a bit disappointed. Oh well. Next up: Miletus. This is an ancient ruin that is in the process of being uncovered. It was weird to walk through old stones with weeds all over them, rabid dogs, and knowing/seeing covered and uncovered ruins. On the bus we watched Robin Hood. It was great to have something to help pass the time. 

That night we played in a hot springs swimming pool at Pamukale. We gave ourselves a mud bath and it was delightful--although it didn't smell delightful. Interesting observation. Although this was a 5 star hotel and the lobby was beautiful the rooms weren't the best. The beds were still terrible and there were dark hairs found in the tub. I miss Marriott Hotels--they are always nice. A sign found in the bathroom. I think it is funny.
So in answer to the two truths and a lie. They were ALL truths! How tricky of me!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Trip to Turkey: Day 4--Bus day!

The majority of the day was on the bus, but there were a few stops we made.
A random outlook from the bus with Lindsay.
1. Assos--we went up to the temple mount.  I don't entirely remember the significance of the place but it is in the Bible.  It is a spot that Paul stopped at during his third missionary journey.  Read Acts 20:13-14.  My favorite part was walking back through the shops.  The Turkish women were working at them.  It was so great to see women working.  It was so great to see women.  It made me super happy. 

With Lindsay, Danielle, and Lauren in Assos.
It was beautiful!
2. Pergamon. We took a cable car up the mount to see one of the seven churches that it talks about in Revelations 1:11. What I remember from this place is the pouring rain. We were soaked! Luckily, since wearing a skirt on a long bus isn't super comfortable I had my PJ's on under the skirt. It was super great during the rain and wind.
By the look on the faces you can tell that everyone was really happy about the rain.
Other interesting parts of the trip. 1. Talking to Kaitlyn Hull. She knows Danielle Gardner. It was great to get to know her better. She is AMAZING! 2. The tire of the bus blew out. We stopped for a bit but then we have two tires on each spot so we just kept going. 3. We had a bus talent show which was pretty entertaining. 4. Sketchy hotel. Technically a three star but the sliding door on the porch didn't lock--it was high enough though so it wasn't too bad. Luckily I was safe.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Trip to Turkey: Day 3 Istanbul to Troy

Today we spent most of the day on the bus.  I am not sure where my patience pills went but at times people got on my nerves.  Don't worry I kept my calm.

We ate lunch at a dock on the Dardanelles.  It was beautiful.

Then we took the Ferry across the water.  It was sooo beautiful.  My camera was on the bus so no pictures.  But I loved the ride.  I would love to live on the beach here.

Then we went to Troy--yep the place in the Iliad.  They even had the REAL Trojan horse there!  I think the pictures speak for themselves.

In the Trojan horse!
In the ruins of the city.
I think I won the battle.
What would Troy be without some gory death!
Kaitlyn and Leslie!
Classic.  Troy the city--Troy Bolton.  One and the same!
Can you tell what is wrong with this picture?  Bonus points if you can!
Next up--our hotel in Canakkale. Yep a hotel on the beach! It was beautiful! At one point I was in the water taking model shots of people on the dock--I am such a good photographer that I will do anything for a shot. At one point I hiked up my skirt so far that my slip showed--so scandalous. Everyone laughed at me. Including myself.
With Jessica and Lauren on the dock!
Bigger group!
Biggest group.
Leslie on Elyse.
In the water!
Yoga on the beach!
That night we had a bonfire and dance party on the beach with our Turkish guide Fatih. It was pretty fun to dance in the sand.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Trip to Turkey: Day 2 Istanbul was once Constantinople

We went to the Hippodrome (even though I have no idea what it was and am not sure I really saw it or what it was) which involved this awesome obelisk. I felt for a second like I was in Egypt because of the writing on it, even though I was not even close to the pyramids.
Then we went to the Blue Mosque which was beautiful.
With Elyse, Lauren, and Leslie in the blue mosque.
Outside the Mosque with Leslie and Ben.
Blue Mosque and ME!
Following which we went to the Topkapi Museum. The museum is a part of the "new" palace. We saw an 86 carrot diamond that was beautiful.
The palace.
In the Topkapi Museum there was the Harem building. I decided that I don't want to be a concubine--but if I was to be one I would be a beautiful one ;).
Fellow concubines? Lindsay, Lauren, and Kaitlyn.
Is being a concubine related to polygamy? Because Leslie and I both come through Thomas E. Ricks. I am from the 1st wife and she is from the 2nd wife. We always joke that I am from the loved wife and that she is from the pretty wife. Luckily Elyse consented to be the cross-eyed wife in many pictures. If only she were related to us and it was real.
Next we headed to the Basilica Cistern and it was beautiful. But we didn't appreciate it too much because it was 1:30 and we were starving. So we went to lunch and had a several course meal. We were so full.

Shopping time at the Grand Bazaar! Here is what wikipedia says about this place "The Grand Bazaar (Turkish: Kapalıçarşı, meaning Covered Bazaar) in Istanbul is one of the largest and oldest covered markets in the world, with more than 58 covered streets and over 4,000 shops which attract between 250,000 and half a million visitors daily." Yep, pretty legit.
Grand Bazaar with Lizzy and Leslie.
It was a lot nicer than Jerusalem. It was cleaner with bigger streets but more pricey. At times they seemed offended when we tried to barter. Oh well.

Then we took a boat ride and it was absolutely gorgeous. We were on the Bosphorus. Seriously I loved it!
Fellow boat riders.
On the boat with the Blue Mosque behind me.
Boy band pose!
Elyse, Kaitlyn, Leslie, Me, and Lauren!  Aren't these girls adorable?
Dinner was terrible. I won't even talk about the gross appetizers but the actual meal was a fish on a plate. Yes, the whole fish. It was staring at me. I covered its eyes. That didn't help at all. Probably my favorite part of the day was when we left the hotel that night and went into the city. We got the best Baklava in turkey. It was delicious. It was so fun to wander through turkey and see everyday life going on. It didn't feel as touristy which I loved! Wow, we do so much in a day!