Monday, November 21, 2011

Galilee Day 8--Test Time and Computer Problems

Because I went to bed so early last night and yet I still needed to study I woke up early to come to the lobby and study.  I got here early, sent an email to Mom, and started studying.  My internet and computer were being so dumb.  Dad got on to g-chat with me and my computer just wouldn't stay connected and let me talk.  I tried sending emails to say I was sorry it wasn't working and it would literally take 10 minutes to send the email.  I was so frustrated.  There were about 4 other people in the lobby VIDEO CHATTING with their family and I couldn't even send an email to mom and dad.  I was super sad/mad, and tears started coming.  Why couldn't I just say hi and get boosted up by them?  I don't know, but I wasn't all that happy about it.

So then I went to breakfast, class, studied for my test, went to lunch, studied some more, took the test, and went back to the lobby to check email and blog.  I tried turning my computer on.  I am not exaggerating here, it took my computer 50 minutes to work.  I turned it on the first time and it had some pop up come on and then it froze.  So I shut it down and tried again.  This time it came up with "dirty files" it needed to check.  That took forever.  Then when that finished and it got up my computer just turned off.  Then I tried one last time giving it a few more minutes to turn on.  Finally it came up.  But in the spirit of Thanksgiving, I am thankful that I have a computer to use and that it occasionally works.  I am thankful that I have the technology to stay in touch with my family and friends.

But on the bright side I felt really great about my test.  I knew what I was talking about and felt really glad when it was over!  Now I can have some fun!

Well, that takes us up to right now!

Tonight we are having a lecture about the Kibbutz which should be great and then we have a bonfire.  It will be super lovely!

1 comment:

Platte and Heather said...

Awesome! That stinks that your computer is being dumb. But I am glad you are loving your classes, and I am most glad that you swam in the rain. That sounds just delightful. :)