Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Galilee Day 2—Our God is an Awesome God! Jesus Day!

We started out with a boat ride across the Sea of Galilee. Our boat driver put some awesome gospel music on and we rocked out. We definitely have soul in our group. It was an absolute blast. I loved singing along, clapping my hands, and shouting hallelujah. As Brother Huntsman said, “In the church we don’t get a lot of opportunity to break loose and praise the Lord!” Well we certainly broke loose!

We stopped in the middle of the sea and talked about Jesus walking on the water and calming the seas. At breakfast I had told Brother Huntsman that mom told me that I should walk on water because all it takes is faith. We talked about Peter and how he was able to walk on water because it was a symbolic action of him coming unto Christ. If I could see Christ walking on the water I may have been able to jump out of the boat and run to him—but he wasn’t there. In reading the scriptures this week I have come to love Peter! Peter is up and ready to do things. He is the disciple that views Jesus walking on water and wants to try it out too. Oh how I would love to be like Peter (even when he denies Christ, making a huge mistake, he repents of it and goes about doing good!).

My walking on water picture!
We sang Master the Tempest is Raging and even though it was a very peaceful day on the sea there was a great spirit that could be felt there.

Then we got off the boat and went and watched a movie about a really old boat and then saw that old boat. It could possibly be a boat that Jesus or one of his disciples had been on.

Next up, the Church of Tabgha. This place commemorates the miracle of feeding the 5,000. While we were there I touched a fish.

Mount of Beatitudes. The most beautiful spot I have seen in a really really long time. It was absolutely stunning. We were given some alone time and I sat on a rock next to a palm tree basking in the sun looking out onto the Sea of Galilee. Literally, life cannot get any better. While I was there I felt very calm and at peace with my future. I realized that although I have absolutely no idea what I am doing with my life but I do know that it will all work out.

Next we went to St. Peter Primacy which honors the time when Christ appeared to the Apostles and told Peter to “feed my sheep.” It was on the beach and it was pretty.

The next spot was Capernum where Jesus performed many miracles.

Kursi was last on the field trip stop. Although the scriptures have several different locations for where the demons were caste into pigs this is the most probably location. Naturally there were a lot of pig comments throughout the spot. (The location in the scriptures that Mark cites as the spot is actually 13 miles away from the Sea of Galilee. That is a half marathon for the pigs to run before jumping off a cliff. I doubt that happened—and if it did, that is just embarrassing that pigs can run a half marathon whereas I…well can’t.)

Then we came back and I headed to the beach and chatted with several girls. It was pretty delightful. Then after a 15 minute nap I went to dinner. After that we had a bonfire on the beach. Scary stories were told. I realized that I am a wimp with a capital W—I can get scared by a two pound cat. But, the stories were so not scary. I was slightly disappointed, and slightly pleased that it wouldn’t affect my night’s sleep.

That was day 2. Pretty packed! Yay for Jesus Land!

1 comment:

Adam G. Ricks said...

I'm scared of two-pound cats too. Don't worry about it. :)