Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Galilee Day 10--Western Galilee Field Trip

We started out at Chorazin which had a synagogue of some sorts. I remember sitting by a beautiful tree and having a great devotional here—but can’t for the life of me remember what it was about. I guess that is what I get for waiting several days to write about it.

Then we went to Sepphoris which is where the Mishna was written down (or something like that). The coolest part about this place for me was that there was a mural on the floor referred to as “The Mona Lisa of the Middle East.”

We had a great long bus ride to Akko where we actually got to mingle with the other class. What a shocker. I am pretty sure it is a major port in Israel but other than that I actually don’t know why we went to it. Not everything in Israel that is cool is in the scriptures but when places we go aren’t in the scriptures I always wonder why I am there. It was a fun field trip though and we walked through sewer tunnels in a castle and such. After that we had a long bus ride back.

That night we had class and then segregated class bonfires. Coming up to it I wasn’t very excited because I like being with some people in the other class, but it turned out great. We had a small testimony meeting around a bonfire on the beach of the Sea of Galilee. As I sat there I wondered “can life get any better?” It was beautiful. Going into it I wasn’t planning on sharing anything, but then I felt like I should and so I did. It was pretty amazing to be able to bear my testimony in a place where Jesus had performed so many miracles.

Turns out I had a positively fantastic night!

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