Thursday, October 27, 2011

Jordan Day 4: Amman Theater and Bethabara

We started out by heading to the Amman Theater.  It can seat 7,000 people and is the largest Roman Theater east of Ephesus.  We had a mini talent show and it was pretty fun.

Getting third place!  (Psychological fact: people who place third are significantly happier in life.  Thus, I wanted to be third!)

With Jeff, Lindsay, and Ben!


Then we had KFC for lunch. Our tour guide told us it was "Kentucky Fried Camel." Funny joke Muhammad!

Next up was Bethabara which is the site associated with Jesus' baptism. There was an amazing spirit there as we sang.

In the Jordan River!

Jordan was such an amazing trip! But, it is also great to be home!

1 comment:

Adam G. Ricks said...

Too many awesome things to comment about at once. First -- lovin the hair. I really like the artsy picture where you are looking down and smiling. How nice. Second -- apparently the men there like it too...eek! Third -- Too many cool places. So awesome. Fourth -- looks like you are having so much fun and that you have some great friends that make you smile! Fifth -- we miss you. The End!