Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Jordan Day 2: PETRA

Absolutely amazing! One of my favorite things I have done so far. To get into Petra it costs 50 dinar. This is pretty comparable to going to Disney Land. Obviously this is way cooler though.

Petra started out when the Nabataeans moved into the area. Not much is known about them. They did cut tombs and other amazing things out of the rocks. I LOVE PETRA!!!

Beautiful colors in the rocks.

Elephant looking rock made naturally!  AWESOME!

In front of the treasury.

Look Mom! I am on a camel.

I am the strongest person in the world!

Lindsay, Ben, and I.  Classic! (This is still the Treasury)

We hiked up to the monastery.  With Lindsay, Katie, and Thomas.

Add in Bro. Ludlow!  Thank for the awesome picture Bro Harper!

At the top of the world!  The monastery is behind me.

Such a great day! Then we drove to our hotel in Amman and saw Leslie's reunion with Jesse Foster Thomas. It was adorable.

Jesse--so excited to get to Leslie.

Then I hit the town with Koryl, Lindsay, and Ben. Honestly there wasn't much to see. But we got some great ice cream!

Little wall on rainbow street!

Then I got to share a king size bed with Rachel! How exciting!

1 comment:

Platte and Heather said...

Right before I saw the caption I said in my head "Hey look, you are on a camel." And then the caption said "Look Mom, I am on a camel." :) :)