Saturday, October 22, 2011

Garden of Gethsemane

Today has been a great day. I woke up, got ready and ate breakfast. Then I reviewed my sunbeams lesson and had a nap before church. I went to church and the talks were fabulous! Then I went to teach my lesson. I was giving the lesson “I can be reverent” again because I was ahead in the lessons and the one kid I taught that lesson to moved to another branch. So it was just me and Annika. She is great. She is such a chatterbox and loves telling me stories. The lesson went really well, but I learned something from her.

“Moms have girls in mom’s tummy and boys come from dad’s tummy.”

How did I have no idea about this before? I told her that all babies come from the Mom but she told me I was wrong. Her mom had taught her better than me. Who can argue with a toddles mom? Not me. I am sure that some day she will learn otherwise. But, it gave me a great laugh.

Then for Lindsay Rae Nelson’s birthday we headed to the Garden of Gethsemane.

I have realized lately that I am growing up. I am graduating in a matter of months. I am a little bit stressed as to what I am going to do with my life. So I decided to focus on that while in the garden. I opened my scriptures to a random page to see if that would work. One of the first verses that I read was Mosiah 23:28 which reads, “They hushed their fears.” I realized that right now I don’t need to worry about the future. Right now I need to live everyday to the fullest and love life. I will never have this opportunity again. I know that my future will work out. I can trust in the Lord and he will help me through everything. I feel much more relaxed now. I just need to remember to hush my fears.

I also looked through some hymns while in the garden. Occasionally a hymn hits me more than others and today hymn 266 “The Time is Far Spent” struck me. I don’t know if I have ever really looked at it before. So this is the part I like

“The worlds bitter hate, you are called to endure.
The angels are waiting to crown you with blessings!
Go forward, be faithful, the promise is sure.
Be fixed in your purpose for Satan will try you,
The weight of your calling he perfectly knows.
Your path may be thorny, but Jesus is nigh you:
His arm is sufficient, tho demons oppose!”

What a fabulous day!

1 comment:

Amanda said...

That's incredible, Whitney! I really love your testimony at the end. It's true, you will only be in Israel one time! Live in the moment. If you put God first, everything else will fall into place!

Also, I have never even heard of that hymn. But I like it!